Availability of Language Assistance Services. Washington Hospital offers free interpreter services to our patients, including video-remote interpreters in American Sign Language. If your English is limited or you are speech or hearing impaired, please ask your doctor, nurse or other staff member to arrange for interpreter services at no cost to you. If you have a question or a concern regarding these services, please contact the Compliance Department at 510.818.7400.
At Washington Hospital, we recognize that family and friends are critically important to patient healing. We have updated our visitor policy to provide a positive experience that promotes safety for all.
Visiting hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily for inpatients without COVID-19. Adult inpatient areas allow four visitors (5 years and older). Critical and Intermediate Care areas allow two visitors (12 years and older) allowed at a time, rotation permitted . Medical/surgical units allow four visitors (5 years and older) at a time. Birthing Center allows three visitors (5 years and older) post partum. Two support person, 18 and over during labor. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
Emergency Department: Two visitors (5 years and older, rotation permitted) are allowed to accompany individuals receiving care in the Emergency Department.
Surgery Waiting Area: Surgery support persons are welcome to wait in the surgery waiting area. General visitation guidelines apply once the patient is roomed.
Visitors are required to show a government-issued photo ID (current school-issued identification accepted) prior to entry.
Self-Screening Prior to Entry. Everyone entering any Hospital building or clinic is required to self-screen for symptoms prior to entering. This means that every patient, visitor, employee, physician and volunteer must pass the self-screening process prior to entry.
Sanitizing Hands. Additionally, we require that you sanitize your hands before you enter. Hand sanitizer is conveniently available at all entrances and throughout our buildings and clinics.
Masking is optional in most areas on campus. Masks are required in areas where high-risk patients receive care.
Other important information
Consideration for the comfort and safety of our patients is our first priority. Nursing staff, in collaboration with the patient, may alter visiting hours and regulations at their discretion, as warranted by the patient’s condition, family circumstances and environment. It is understood that visitors may be asked to leave if their presence is stressful to the patient or in conflict with the treatment plan.