Cutting-edge Technologies Make Recovery from Hip and Knee Replacements Faster and Easier

Cutting-edge Technologies Make Recovery from Hip and Knee Replacements Faster and Easier

Hip and knee replacement surgery is becoming increasingly common and new technologies and techniques are making recovery faster and more successful.

Joint replacements are one of the most reliable procedures in modern medicine for both aging populations and younger patients who want to maintain or return to an active lifestyle. The number of these surgeries is growing rapidly in the U.S. because of these new technologies and improvements in technique. According to the American Joint Replacement Registry, there were 23% more hip and knee replacement surgeries in 2023 than in 2022. Utilization of robotics for knee surgery has increased by 600% since 2017. As a result of these new technologies, joint replacement surgery is a viable option for a wider range of people than ever before.

Dr. Alexander Sah is the Medical Director of the Washington Outpatient Surgery Center and the Medical Co-director of the Institute for Joint Restoration and Research at Washington Hospital and is deeply connected to the Hospital and the community. Dr. Sah was born at Washington Hospital in Fremont and his father was a head-and-neck surgeon and Chief of Staff at the Hospital. Dr. Sah did his postdoctoral training at the Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard in Boston and at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago. He trained directly with the developing surgeon of anterior hip replacement surgery and together they published the most comprehensive book on the technique last year.

Dr. Sah will be giving an in-person seminar on the cutting-edge technologies and techniques for anterior hip surgery and robotic knee surgery on Wednesday, April 24, at 4:30 p.m. in Anderson Auditorium, Washington West, 2500 Mowry Ave., Fremont. The seminar will also be available live on Facebook and the Hospital’s YouTube channel,

Dr. Sah explained, “Anyone thinking about having hip or knee replacement or who wants to know about advanced technologies in surgery and joint replacement would benefit from this presentation. We use technologies to optimize outcomes and improve our surgical techniques both with robotic knee surgery and using the anterior approach to hip replacement procedures. We perform more anterior hip replacement surgeries than anyone in the Bay Area.” He continued, “Anterior hip replacement is a different approach to hip replacement, as opposed to traditional posterior approaches or lateral approaches. With this approach, you can go between already existing muscle planes. Traditional approaches to the hip cut or damage the muscle. Most people think that, in the hip joint, it is the ball and socket that keeps the hip in place, but it is actually the soft tissue, the muscle, tendons and ligaments. The more you can preserve those soft tissues, the more stable the hip will be. This approach has the lowest dislocation rate and the most stability of any hip approach. It also means that the muscles and soft tissues recover faster.” Additionally, the anterior approach uniquely allows X-ray to be used live during the procedure to assess implant size, fit and position in real time. Advanced technologies can use these images to match the surgical hip to the nonoperative normal hip at the same time.

Dr. Sah concluded, “The benefits are that people can get back to doing their work and sports activities much faster. People are routinely going home the same day of the surgery.”

Dr. Sah and his associate, Dr. Bryant Bonner, are proud to bring the first robotic joint replacement system to the area and to the Institute for Joint Restoration and Research. Robotic knee surgery is also growing at a rapid rate in the U.S. The system allows surgeons to tailor each procedure to the individual patient, providing a personalized experience before, during and after surgery. During surgery, the robot and integrated operating software assist with the precision of bone cuts and implant placement. The system's technology also includes a special camera and optical tracking to provide real-time, exact information during the surgical procedure.

Dr. Sah said, “We do preoperative CT scans to map the knee very thoroughly and this information creates a 3D virtual model to the robot. With this information, the robotic tool can be used by the surgeon to perform the surgery with personalized CT-guided precision. This is one example of how advanced technology can improve standard knee replacement by enhancing precision and accuracy.”

Dr. Sah encouraged people to attend the seminar if they have any interest in the topic. “Many people don't understand what current surgical technology in orthopedics really is or how it works. I believe having the opportunity to talk to a surgeon at the leading edge of technology and to understand how we use it will be meaningful.” Attendees will have the opportunity to learn and ask questions to gain an understanding of the role of technology in orthopedic surgery in 2024 and what's coming in the future.

How to attend

Wednesday, April 24, 4:30 p.m.

In person: Anderson Auditorium, Washington West 2500 Mowry Ave., Fremont

Online: or

If you are unable to watch Dr. Sah’s presentation live, you can watch it on Washington Hospital’s YouTube channel beginning the following day at Here, you can also find many other relevant health-related seminars presented by renowned doctors and health care professionals.

For more information about Dr. Sah and Dr. Bonner as well as Washington Hospital’s joint replacement program, visit