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Back-to-School Series: Backpack Safety

Back-to-School Series: Backpack Safety

For most local students, the new school year has just begun. Most back-to-school shopping lists include brightly colored backpacks to carry books and supplies to school and back home again. Backpacks are a practical way for kids to carry things around, but if those packs are not fitted and worn properly, or if the backpacks are carrying too much weight, they might cause injuries to muscles and joints.

As an example, Medical Director of Washington Sports Medicine Russell Nord, MD, notes, “As the experts in bone and joint health injury prevention, members of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) remind us that heavy backpacks can be a source of back, neck and shoulder-related pain in adolescents and adults. In fact, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), in 2018, emergency departments, doctors’ offices and clinics treated 50,635 people for backpack-related injuries. Those were just the ones who had problems severe enough to require medical care.”

A board-certified orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist, Dr. Nord also is the father of four school-age children.

A Correct Fit

“As a father, backpack safety is a matter of concern for me,” he says. “I do appreciate the temptation for parents to buy bigger backpacks that their kids can ‘grow into,’ but the National Safety Council recommends that a backpack should not be wider than the child’s back. Also, the backpack should not extend more than four inches below the waist.”

While it might seem faster and easier for parents to shop alone for children’s backpacks, it is worth the extra effort to take children with you to ensure a proper fit. Dr. Nord observes that it also is important to use backpacks that have well-padded, adjustable shoulder straps and a waist strap.

“The waist strap helps make sure the pack’s load is supported by the pelvis and not just the shoulders, similar to how hikers use waist straps on their hiking backpacks,” he explains. “A chest strap also can be useful to help keep the backpack snug against the back, therefore reducing the torque to which the back is exposed.”

He continues, “It is best if the child uses both shoulder straps, rather than slinging the backpack over one shoulder. Using two shoulder straps distributes the weight more evenly. When you are deciding on which backpacks are right for your children or teens, it’s good to make sure that they can adjust all the straps on their own without struggling. Specifically, small hands may have trouble opening and closing the clip for a particular waist or chest strap design, thus making it less useful.”

The Correct Weight

Choosing the proper-size backpack is only part of the safety equation. The other primary consideration is the weight of the backpack once it contains the student’s books and other supplies.

“The American Chiropractic Association recommends that a backpack should carry only 10% of the child’s body weight,” says Dr. Nord. “That means, for example, a limit of 5 pounds for a 50-pound first-grader.” Because your child is likely to put more things into a large backpack, bigger is not necessarily better.

In addition to causing pain, an ill-fitting or overly heavy backpack also can contribute to poor posture. According to Dr. Nord, “It’s important to note that the wrong backpack or the weight of backpacks can – and do – contribute to posture problems and musculoskeletal pain in the back, neck and shoulders. In addition, numbness in the arms or legs could indicate nerve damage. I urge parents to take those complaints seriously and seek medical attention for their child right away.”

What About Wheels?

One question some parents are asking is whether they should have their children use backpacks with wheels. “Check your child’s school policy. Rolling backpacks may pose a problem on crowded sidewalks,” he cautions. “Also, because some backpacks on wheels cannot be hung up on a hook or placed on a shelf, they could clutter up the floors in classrooms and hallways, presenting a tripping hazard, which is why some schools do not allow rolling backpacks.” Regardless of the specific design chosen, the principles discussed above will help your child remain safe and comfortable when using a backpack.

If you need help finding a physician, such as a pediatric or orthopedic specialist, the Washington Township Medical Foundation website may be useful: Find information on the Washington Sports Medicine Program at