We’ve partnered with BabyLiveAdvice to provide a FREE Childbirth Preparation class for parents who choose to deliver their baby at Washington Hospital. BabyLiveAdvice offers many classes to cover your birth experience, breastfeeding tips, baby care and many more options. These classes are designed to support and enhance your parenting journey. Additionally, classes are available in multiple languages. Ask your obstetrician about BabyLiveAdvice.
While in the Hospital, lactation support will be available to you during your postpartum stay. Once home, we have a free advice line and also offer private visits (covered by most insurances) with internationally board-certified lactation consultants.
During your stay, we provide hospital-grade breast pumps and provide resources for local breast pump rental services.
Developed especially for pregnant women to promote flexibility, strength, improved posture and balance. Fee: $65 per month, for three classes per week
To sign up, visit: www.vagaro.com/maternalchildeducation